8 november 2023
The most intriguing object in the room perhaps is the one you see right here. It’s an object made by Rachael. Today I responded to it by adding other feathers which I had lying in one of my drawers. So today 'setting 1' was being altered. Some small changes were made. If you happen to have a meeting in the room you'll discover them. If not, we'll tell you about it via this channel and the blog.
What's the story of the feathers? What is the reason they ended up here is this room? And what about the black stones That I put on the shelves today? Do you also have a story with feathers or stones? Do you notice them on your path? Do you collect them? What makes you do that? Tell us about your collection. We're curious.
In de ruimte plaatste Rachael een object met kraaienveren. Ik respondeerde erop met veren van andere vogels. Ook voegde ik keien toe in het houten rek. Zwarte ronde keien in contrast met de zachte witte stippen die de veren sieren.
En zo interageren we op elkaar. Aarzeldend en onderzoekend.
Text by Anje Claeys
Photograph by Anje Claeys
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